What is the application process?
Please check the website for the application process and follow the steps to submit your application.
If I need help with my application, who in particular can I contact?
For specific questions not included in our FAQs or more clarifications on the application/selection process, please contact us at the specific email address mentioned on the Call or on the website.
How long does it take to hear back after an application?
Please note that only successful applicants will be contacted.
Can we still apply if we don’t meet the minimum criteria?
No, the minimum criteria for eligibility must be met before a Concept Note application can be accepted.
Can we apply in a different language?
No, we will only accept/assess applications written in English.

Application process
Selection criteria
Can an applicant from another country apply?
Yes, but the applicant should be willing to implement the innovation in Northern Uganda
Do you prefer individual or corporate applicants?
We have no preference
Selection process.
Do you have a target for concept notes that will be invited to submit a full proposal?
That will depend on the quality of the presented concept notes
What is the expected timeline for the application?
The application process is first initiated by submitting a Concept Note, and upon shortlisting, you will be invited to submit a full proposal. The typical time frame from a Call launch until award is approximately 6 months